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Thursday, April 25, 2019

Fringeville #202: Vacation is over…

I wanted to vote in the upcoming Pennsylvania Primary Election. I was unaffiliated. I only had three choices: Register as a Democrat, a Republican or stay home. I’ve done that last one, and don’t like it much.

I thought about it a long time, and re-registered with the Republican party. There wasn’t much chance of my registering Democrat. I’ve always leaned right and the D’s are hurtling as far to the left as they can. I’m going to cast my vote for the best R’s in the Primary, and the best candidates in the General. It will be between the good Lord and me who those folks will be each and every November.

Before my little vacation, I was an active Republican for a long time. I worked with some terrific people in NEPA and built friendships that survived politics. No one disowned me for becoming unaffiliated. I didn’t get one smidge of hostility anywhere, and I didn’t keep my unaffiliated status a secret. That said, I won’t be joining any party committees. I won’t be running for anything. I will be voting in every election again. That was my goal.

There won't be any yard signs cluttering my lawn (with one possible exception for a county office currently unopposed). This makes the missus very, very happy. Our yard was campaign central for many, many years. I promised her a sign-free lawn when I took my vacation from politics and that promise holds. (Never piss off the people who can sign your DNR order if you choke on a chicken wing.)

I won’t be pushing a political agenda. I will be voting for the best people I can in each election and encouraging others to do the same. Well, okay, one might argue that encouraging participation in the political process is an agenda. Guilty as charged. Just take the time to make informed decisions before casting that vote, friends.

If you don’t like how I registered, I offer no apologies. I’ve never based my personal relationships on party registrations (or lack of). If that's what you do, well, if it makes you happy…

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Be good to each other.

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  1. So glad you're back to blogging!

    1. ...I missed it. It seems I "never had time." Well, dammit, I'm making the time now. And I'm all the better for it! Thank you for welcoming me back! --JIMBO


My motto is be good to each other. In that spirit, keep it clean on the comments. Personal attacks, nasty language, and any disdain of chicken wings will not be tolerated.