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Thursday, April 4, 2019

Fringeville #196: Still not dead. Really.

...this is not a chalk outline of my body outside a chicken wing joint. You can be sure of it because the mid-section doesn't look like a medicine ball.

I have not gone on to the great beyond and do not intend to. At least not on a Thursday. On a Friday or Monday, possibly (because who doesn't like a long weekend now and again).

My being MIA has a lot to do with things I won't write about because they violate the following rule I am trying to live by:

I am facing some challenges. I going through the bits and pieces of my life and deciding what stays and what goes. Most of it goes. I'm 61 and there are simply some things that I don't have time for.

The one thing I won't let go of is the one thing it seems I've avoided doing (or simply didn't have time to do): writing. Stuff is coming. It has to, because if I don't finish some projects and publish them they will never be finished.

Be back soon, if the Good Lord is willing and tolerant of my nonsense...


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