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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Fringeville #181: …Moon! Moon!

…when I was a very small child, my mother would come into my bedroom to check on me and the bed would often be empty. She would find me lying on the windowsill, pointing at the sky and saying, “…Moon! Moon!”

She would put me back to bed, but some mornings she would come to wake me and find me fast asleep on that windowsill. I don’t remember this, but I was told the story many times. I’ve no idea why I am thinking about it today, but I would love to meet that little boy again who marveled, as did his ancestors, at that great, comforting globe in the night sky.


…most mornings I wake up and read the usual slew of depressing news. Then there’s mornings like this when instead I see that an act of kindness and love makes global news.

We need more of this.


There have been many, many pieces of music which have moved me. But my love for music had to start somewhere, and there had to be something that moved me to start thinking about doing some music myself. I’ve been pondering this a while. There were two watershed moments.

The first came in the 3rd Grade, when we were taken to see The Sound of Music at a theater. I was stunned. It is still a favorite of mine. If it is on TV, I stop what I am doing and plop my butt in a chair to watch.

The day after we saw the movie, I marched into the music teacher's office and sang the song I've featured below from memory. It brought tears to her eyes. I can't remember her name, but I remember the look on her face.

...then, when I was in grade school in New Jersey, came the seismic event. I was in a van with my mother and Hey Jude started playing on the radio, WABC, New York. Up until then, I played whatever music was around the house, which wasn't much and certainly wasn't The Beatles.

My mother reached for the dial and I slapped her hand away, pleading to let me hear the rest.

Life ain't been the same since.


Be good to each other.


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